Back nine
Slice, dice, chop, chunk and liquefy. My nephew has all the shots. I call him Blender Boy. He always joins us on the back nine and it's an automatic double for me.
Joey Spracken
Most people have not seen the inside of a golf course. If you don't repair ball marks, fix divots or rake bunkers, the whole operation can come to a halt.
Your friends,
The Greens Committee
I love this hole! Tee it up and take off.
Juan Pabloski
This is what I expect at the snack shack, none of that cheap plastic.
Julie Wayward
Those scientists that make the balls, I think about them every time I put one in the water. All that hard work for nothing.
Jenny Popkourn
Watch out for this couple. They only have one bag, they hit into you and she is fairly evil. Trust me, I've run into them on this hole before.
Alex Eversoar
Most people get a visit from the Birdie Fairy on this hole..........not me.
Johnny Chunkenberg
This beverage cart hussy has no business being on this hole, or any hole.
Michele Grybwood
I always like to imagine my fans in the stands on this hole. Works every time.
Brett Phulovit